Today’s regularly scheduled Zoom net began at 1400 hrs GMT with Gary being the first one to arrive. The meeting really got rolling with Roger coming on board, followed by Lynn, Mary, and Russ (who was experiencing some technical difficulty).
Gary’s show’n’tell was of a model electric train playing music on wine glasses. You don’t want to miss this…
On a more important note, Gary also shared a link regarding the Khan Academy challenge which recognizes the winner with a significant prize. Watch the video to the left. If you know any 13-18 yr olds, this might be just the ticket to a life changing event.
Lynn is wrapping up his class this semester with one remaining lecture. He’s planning on teaching another class this summer.
I see from my Zoom log, that FUZ checked into the net an hour early. Sorry we missed you, John!
NY John is in Jamaica this week. We’ve not heard from Scott in quite some time. I have a feeling his bus schedule is a conflict.
If I missed anything, send me a note with a summary and I’ll add it.
Next meeting: Saturday, 0700 Central, The Big Biscuit.